Friday, November 7, 2014

Phone Photos

These are just a few snaps I have taken on my phone when I never had a camera on me. All are from either an iPhone 4 or iPhone 5c.

a local favorite taco shop

lights from a concert

accidental pic while running down my street

noticed the only lights on in the building, snapped a pic

the sunset from a boat

random closed store in Pacific Beach

view from ferris wheel, first night out in Chicago with roommates 

fireworks from the pier

tobacco plants in a lab

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Nova and Cher Shoot: Gigi

Gigi and I had the awesome chance to spend the night with our friends in Idlewild. We slept in this adorable strawberry cabin, and loved it (and the town) so much that it stimulated us to do a shoot. Here are the photos that the inspiration evoked. Enjoy!


Friday, June 27, 2014

Traveling Essentials

Hello, I hope you're having an awesome summer! As I'm leaving for Europe next week, I thought I would share some traveling essentials with ya. I'm going to London, Holland and all around Italy! These are items (I think) that are often forgotten but I know they'll be super helpful whilst I'm there.

This may be an obvious one but I feel like it'd be super easy to forget. You don't normally think about charging your electronics and if there will be an outlet available because you just assume they'll be available ya feel ( In case you're curious, I got this one)

Reusable Water Bottle
Super important! You have to stay hydrated especially in foreign countries because your body is adapting to the time zone and weather. In Europe, water is hella expensive so bringing one of these will be very helpful. There may be public water fountains but you should do research on where you're going to see if you can drink from the fossett. (PS I like Camelbak and Contigo water bottles)

Fanny pack
You might think they're lame but let's be real , people will be able to tell you're a tourist anyways. A cross body purse is also a practical option, but someone could still tug at it and take things. A backpack may be a little risky as well since you can't see what's going on behind you. I just think the safest and least risky thing to take is a fanny pack but just take a small backpack or small purse if you aren't down for a fanny pack. ( BTW there are cute fanny packs!! Like these ones)

Even if you're going to Hawaii or Venice, it's always a good idea to bring an umbrella. You never know!! There can be tropical rainstorms or sudden showers. It's always good to look at the weather of the places you'll be traveling to anyways.

Disposable Camera
I don't really feel comfortable lugging around my big and bulky Canon camera in Europe. I constantly worry about it and I'm always so paranoid I'll lose it or someone will steal it. It's just unpractical and annoying to carry around. Soooo I think a disposable camera is a great idea!! I know you won't have the pictures electronically but there's something special about holding the pictures instead of looking at them on a screen. And you can always scan the pictures too. If you loose it, it wouldn't suck that bad as they're only about $3-$10.

I hope you enjoyed this post and got something out of it! I know all of these are pretty obvious but I came close to forgetting them so I wanted to prevent that from happening to anyone else. 

-Iris xx

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Black Mountain

Zak and I decided to do a trash clean up in the abandoned arsenic mines over by Black Mountain so I thought it would be nice to take some pictures.

It's a really neat place tucked away in a crevice of the mountain with some cool history to it. The mine was funded by actor and rancher, Frank Hopkins, and was used to obtain white arsenic. At the time, the South had a bad boll weevil infestation and white arsenic was known to be an ingredient for a pesticide that attacked boll weevils. The mine was abandoned not long after it was founded since a few years of rough weather in the South was enough to get rid of the boll weevils. What remains is a cool little secret of San Diego...

The entrance to Black Mountain

I am not entirely sure what this is (oven maybe?)

Destroyed mine shaft

Destroyed mine shaft pt. II

Exploratory mining cave

Crashed Jeep, no idea what the story behind this is

Giant flume that scales down the mountain and to the mines

Climbing up said flume

So yeah, that's it.

Special thanks to Zak for doing this with me! I've been wanting to do this for a while and I'm glad to say that we cleaned up a considerable amount of trash.

Happy Hiking


It's OK To Be Sad

Because everyone cares to some extent 

Lookbook: Summer Time

I got new shoes and new overalls this week and have been obsessed! The overalls and striped tee in this look are both thrifted, while the socks and shoes are from online. The shoes I have are mimics of the Jeffery Campbell shoe Scully. I picked these over the real shoes because I figured that the JC's would be to hard to walk in. Very satisfied with these!


Friday, June 13, 2014

Summer Hype

Hi! It's Gaby! So not only are we coming up on summer super fast (or it already is summer), but also I recently went through some of my older travel pictures and came across some that got me excited for my trips this summer. I'm going to Paris and a french island for a few weeks. I'm actually half french so my family tries to go there every summer if we can, were super lucky and it's one of my favorite things about the summer. I'm looking forward to it so much and I thought I would share with you some pictures of my trip to Paris from 2 years ago! Check 'em out!

view from our apartment when it was raining one day
view from our apartment (you can see a cafe and the streets)

This is the view from the  Sacré Cœur ( you can see the Eiffel Tower in the distance, and Mont Parnasse in the left upper)

random street by le Jardin du Luxembourg

I don't remember exactly what this is, it looks like a church though 

this amazing little restaurant with w giant tree in the middle that the restaurant was built around.  Also there were vines like a canopy above you and little lights in them. This violin man was playing the while time and trying to sell his CD.


random pretty thing

some apartments

Ali took this candid shot of me getting something out of my bag before we started riding the huge ferris wheel

Adorable little restaurant called Au Lapin Agile (lapin means rabbit, agile means agile ((nimble)) so the restaurant is called the agile rabbit)

crowded street

little kitty in a pet shop we looked at (the sign says "do not touch. thank you.)

I really liked the colors of these houses

pretty vines on a house(?)

Ali looking at some little toys

view of le Sacré Cœur 

cute cute windows and plants

kewl art

kitty in a window

the dining room area of our apartment (it used to be a painter's study so it has huge windows)

me looking at the eiffel tower from inside the ferris wheel.